The purpose of the conference was mainly information exchange on research carried out by the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), nuclear plant vendors, universities, and other organizations, with the aim of improving its efficiency.

The conference enjoyed the participation of the International Research Institute for Decommissioning (IRID), the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), and distinguished scholars and researchers at such Japanese universities as the University of Tokyo and Tohoku University.

In the future, it will monitor various activities ranging from basic research to readiness for actual use in decommissioning work, and endeavor to play the role of coordinator and integrator.

In his comments at the start of the July 6 conference, NDF Vice President Hajimu Yamana, who also serves as head of its Decommissioning Office, said, “Cooperation and coordination will be important in sharing individual ideas about R&D and using them to maximum effect.”

The establishment of the conference was originally called for in the government’s mid-to-long-term roadmap toward the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi. The roadmap was just revised last month. The conference will meet two or three times a year, with the results of its discussions reported to the central government.