The system is capable of centrally managing the number of bags containing removed soil, the levels of radiation, and workers’ exposure doses. In addition, it can calculate optimum transport plans.

Currently, many bags containing removed soil from decontamination work have been temporarily deposited across a broad area. The time required to transport them to an interim storage facility needs to be minimized so as not to adversely affect the surrounding environment, while the numbers of bags and the level of radiation exposure must also be strictly controlled.

Using the newly-developed system, each bag is tagged with a label bearing information on such items as the bag’s contents, place of origin, and radiation levels. That secures traceability and enables a more efficient delivery of a huge number of bags.

Additionally, each worker will carry a dosimeter with a GPS function, allowing the constant monitoring of exposure doses. Real-time data will be recorded on such parameters as measured values, locations, and working times.

To shorten the process, the system calculates optimum transport plans, selecting routes and determining sequences using the so-called “mixed-integer” planning method.