When the fuel loading is complete, Kansai EP will receive a pre-service inspection of post-loading portions of the unit. The company expects to start up the reactor at the end of January 2016, connect it to the grid in early February, and resume commercial operation at the end of February.

Of the total 157 fuel assemblies to be loaded, 68 will be fresh fuel and 89 will be recycled (partially burned) assemblies. Among the total, 24 will be the uranium-plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies (16 fresh and 8 recycled). The loading operation is being carried out around the clock by thirteen workers in three shifts.

As for the Takahama-4 (PWR, 870MWe), Kansai EP intends to start up the reactor at the end of February and resume commercial operation at the end of March.