The U.K. and Japanese nuclear industries participated in the forum, exchanging information and views on the decommissioning of nuclear power plants and the new nuclear build, as well as getting to know each other better. With more than 180 attendees, exceeding the capacity of the main venue – more than 70 from the U.K., indicating a high level of interest in cooperation with Japan – the forum was highly successful in all respects.

Having launched its first commercial nuclear power plant in 1956, the British nuclear industry has a long history. As a result, currently 26 Magnox gas-cooled reactors, one advanced gas-cooled reactor, one steam generating heavy water reactor, two fast breeder reactors and reprocessing plants are being decommissioned.

In order for Japan to steadily carry out the inevitable decommissioning of its own nuclear power plants in the years to come, it is important to learn from the decommissioning experience of the U.K. and benefit from its expertise.

At the same time, projects to build new nuclear power plants at six sites in the U.K. are currently underway. Establishing supply chains for that construction is a priority requirement for the British industry, and there is enthusiasm for investment and participation by Japanese companies. Altogether, there are considerable opportunities for the industries in both countries to work together.

At the forum, participants from Japan and the U.K. increased their familiarity with each other’s nuclear industry, recognized what could be done to expand their collaboration, and identified specific areas in which they could work together – in all, confirming the importance of their partnership.

In close coordination with NIA under a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation between us, we, JAIF, will endeavor to further promote cooperation in regard to decommissioning in Japan and the new build in the U.K., for the growth of both nuclear industries and the prosperity of both countries.