Chairman Oka cited Director General Amano’s many achievements in the decade since he took office in 2009, praising his efforts not only on behalf of international nuclear nonproliferation, but also in support of developing countries in their use of radiation as well as power generation, all as part of the IAEA’s advocacy of Atoms for Peace and Development.

Mr. Amano had also led the global movement, the chairman said, to improve nuclear safety based on the lessons learned from the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants, which occurred during his tenure.

The JAEC chairman then said that since assuming his current post, he had visited Vienna every September for the IAEA General Conference, at which he had many occasions to speak with the director general personally. “I valued his leadership, and had great professional and personal respect for him,” said Dr. Oka.

Some of the other messages and statements issued on the passing of Mr. Amano are as follows:

<From Foreign Minister Taro Kono, released on July 22>

On July 22, 2019, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced the passing away of Director General Yukiya Amano.

Since 2009, Director General Amano actively worked for a decade not only on international nuclear non-proliferation challenges including nuclear issues of North Korea and Iran, but also on development issues under his initiative “Atoms for Peace and Development.” Following the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, he provided assistance to Japan as well as led international efforts in enhancing nuclear safety, building on lessons learned from the accident.

The Government of Japan highly commends Director General Amano’s leadership and achievements and expresses its greatest respect for his past contributions.

I cannot but imagine Director General Amano’s sorrow in passing away amid his term. I offer my sincerest condolences on the passing of Director General Amano and extend my deepest sympathy to his bereaved families.

<From Chairman Toyoshi Fuketa, Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA); released on July 22>

Having learned of the passing of IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, who had served in that position for many years, we express our deepest condolences.

When the nuclear accident occurred at Fukushima Daiichi NPPs of the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), Mr. Amano exerted his utmost efforts to see that accurate information on the accident was shared with the world, and that Japan’s experience would be put to use for the benefit of the international community.

His presence is vivid in our memories, and we are profoundly saddened by this loss. May he rest in peace.