In the literature surveys, it is expected that thorough investigations and evaluations will be carried out based on scientific rationality. The national government and the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO) are asked to establish relationships of trust based on comprehensive dialogues, listening and responding with sincerity to local residents’ questions, concerns and views.

The final disposal of HLW is the responsibility of the generation—ours—that has enjoyed the benefits of stable supplies of electricity through nuclear power. The responsibility should be met by obtaining understanding broadly across society and not be pushed irresponsibly onto the generations to come.

From these recent developments—namely, the application for and acceptance of the literature surveys—I hope that people everywhere will increase their interest in the subject of disposal and come to better understand the issues. I also hope that wide-ranging discussions will continue calmly and coolly, and that the process of selecting a final disposal site will proceed steadily.

JAIF will maintain its efforts to disseminate scientifically based information on the safety and necessity of the disposal business, in a manner that is easy to understand, so as to help improve public understanding of the matter.