The Basic Policy calls for the maximum use of nuclear power—recognizing it as a power source that contributes to energy security while being highly effective toward decarbonization—together with renewable energies.

Meanwhile, the proposed Grand Design for Future Nuclear Policy and Guidelines for Action Toward Realization demonstrates courses of action on the following points:

  • Integrating the influence and capabilities of all relevant parties to facilitate the restart of nuclear power plants (NPPs).
  • Using existing NPPs to the maximum extent, including the extension of operating lifetimes.
  • Developing and constructing next-generation advanced reactors with new safety mechanisms.
  • Speeding up the processes of reprocessing, decommissioning and final disposal.
  • Maintaining and strengthening supply chains.
  • Contributing to resolving globally common issues.

It is significant that the government has clearly delineated courses of action on the above points. When they are realized as actual policy in the future, the nuclear industry will be able to move ahead confidently with its business. We anticipate that the government will develop a specific business environment, including legislation, as soon as possible.

The nuclear industry will go back to the “starting point”—that is, seriously reflecting on the 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power site of the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)—and intends to continue steady efforts to improve safety, accumulate records of safe operation, and win the confidence of the public.

Based on those thoughts, JAIF has submitted the following comments.


Comments on “Basic Policy Aimed at Implementing GX”

We at JAIF support the maximum use of nuclear power, recognizing that it is a power source that contributes to energy security while being highly effective toward decarbonization. To enable the nuclear industry to move ahead confidently with its business, we ask for realization as actual policy in the future, including legislation.

We support the development and construction of next-generation advanced reactors with new safety mechanisms. To encourage the industry to make investments in such reactors, we ask that the government start consideration and specific substantiation of the development of a business environment as soon as possible, including support, systems, and measures.


Comments on the proposed Grand Design for Future Nuclear Policy and Guidelines for Action Toward Realization

We support the guidelines for materializing nuclear values: enhancing safety by innovative technology, ensuring “self-determination” in energy supply, and contributing as a “propelling force” to green transformation. We also ask that the government realize the guidelines consistently into the future, including legislation, to enable the nuclear industry to confidently move ahead with its business.

We support the guidelines for developing and constructing next-generation advanced reactors with new safety mechanisms. To encourage the industry to make investments in such reactors, we ask that the government start consideration and specific substantiation of the development of a business environment as soon as possible, including support, systems, and measures.

ARAI Shiro, President, JAIF


<Reference: Submission of Comments and Reasons>


Comments on “Basic Policy Aimed at Implementing GX”

Comment 1

Relevant part: Page 3

  1. Efforts for Decarbonization toward GX on the Premise of Ensured Safety

     (1) Basic Approach

     Second sentence of the fifth paragraph

“On the supply side, in order to overcome the immediate crisis, nuclear power, a power source that contributes to energy security and is highly effective for decarbonization, will be used to the maximum extent, together with renewable energies.”



We support this policy. From the viewpoint of enabling the industry to confidently go ahead with its nuclear business, we ask that the policy be realized consistently into the future, including legislation.

Full Text:

We support the policy for maximum use of nuclear power as a power source that contributes to energy security while being highly effective toward decarbonization. To enable the nuclear industry to confidently move ahead with its nuclear business, we ask that the policy be realized as actual policy going forward, by litigation, etc.


For the nuclear industry to confidently move ahead with its nuclear business, high foreseeability is needed, and a solid, consistent policy is required.

Comment 2

Relevant part: Page 7

Third paragraph of “3) Use of Nuclear Power” 

“In order to sustainably use nuclear power, Japan will develop and construct next-generation advanced reactors with new safety mechanisms on the premise of ensured safety. Based on the fundamental assumption that the understanding of local communities will be obtained, actualization will be embarked upon starting with the replacement of reactors whose decommissioning has been decided, keeping progress on back-end issues in mind, including the completion of the Rokkasho Reprocessing Facility. Consideration of additional development and construction will be based on future circumstances, including the status of restarting NPPs and progress in ensuring understanding in each region. In parallel, while a business environment will be developed necessary for activities to improve safety, etc., support will be expanded for R&D, fostering human resources, and maintaining and reinforcing supply chains. Efforts will be made to promote R&D through international cooperation, the establishment of resilient supply chains, and the ensuring of nuclear safety and security among like-minded countries.”



We support the policy. To encourage the nuclear industry to make investments in next-generation advanced reactors, we ask that the government start considering and actualizing development of a business environment, including governmental support, and systems and measures, as soon as possible.

Full Text:

We support the policy to develop and construct next-generation advanced reactors with new safety mechanisms. To encourage the nuclear industry to make investments in such reactors, we ask that the government start considering and actualizing the development of a business environment, including governmental support, and systems and measures, as soon as possible.


Comments on “Basic Policy Aimed at Implementing GX” and proposed Grand Design for Future Nuclear Policy and Guidelines for Action Toward Realization

Comment 1

Relevant parts:

Page 7

“(2) Using Existing NPPs to the Maximum Extent, including Extending Their Operating Lifetimes”

Second sentence in “ Development of a System for Handling Operating Lifetimes”

Page 8

First sentence in “ Improving Capacity Factors”

“Ensuring ‘self-determination’ in energy supply, and contributing as a ‘compelling force’ to green transformation”

Page 9

First sentence in “ Policy for Development and Construction” in “(3) Development and Construction of Next-Generation Advanced Reactors with New Safety Mechanisms”

“On the premise of ensured safety, we will develop and construct next-generation reactors with new safety mechanisms to materialize nuclear values—enhancing safety by innovative technology, ensuring “self-determination” in energy supply, and contributing as a “propelling force” to green transformation—and to maintain and strengthen technological abilities and human resources to work domestically on safety improvement.”



We support the guidelines. We ask that the government realize them consistently into the future, including legislation, to enable the nuclear industry to confidently move ahead with its business.

Full Text:

We support the guidelines to materialize nuclear values—ensuring “self-determination” in energy supply, and contributing as a “propelling force” to green transformation. We ask that the government realize the guidelines consistently into the future, including legislation, to enable the nuclear industry to confidently move ahead with its business.


For the nuclear industry to confidently move ahead with its nuclear business, high foreseeability is needed, and a solid, consistent policy is required.

Comment 2

Relevant part

Page 10

First sentence in “ Actualizing Development of Business Environment”

“Toward the actualization of the values mentioned in above, investments are necessary in next-generation advanced reactors, which are decarbonization power sources, but various issues concerning them must first be resolved, including large financing burdens due to initial costs and long recovery periods, the low foreseeability of medium-to-long term earnings as a result of the fluctuation of market prices, and the uncertainty of the backend businesses. Toward their resolution, a business environment will be considered and actualized, including project-based governmental support for demonstration reactors and business environment development, including systems and measures contributing to stabilization of earnings, with reference to cases overseas.



We support the guidelines. To encourage the industry to make investments in next-generation advanced reactors, we ask that the government start the consideration and specific substantiation of the development of a business environment as soon as possible, including support, systems, and measures.

Full Text:

We support the guidelines to develop and construct next-generation advanced reactors with new safety mechanisms. To encourage the industry to make investments in such reactors, we ask that the government start consideration and specific substantiation of the development of a business environment as soon as possible, including support, systems and measures.