He expressed support for the stated policy of maximum use of nuclear power, and asked the government to maintain and continue it into the future by legislation. He also supported the development and construction of next-generation advanced reactors.

To encourage the nuclear industry to make investments in such reactors, he asked that the government begin consideration and specific substantiation of the development of a suitable business environment as soon as possible, including support by the government, systems, and measures. (President Arai’s related message is here.)

President Arai identified the four focal points of JAIF’s activities in 2023 as follows:

  • Obtaining understanding on nuclear power
  • Supporting Fukushima reconstruction
  • Securing and educating human resources
  • International cooperation.

“In order to utilize nuclear power to the maximum extent,” he said, “it is essential to maximize public understanding of the preeminent role that nuclear energy plays, along with the importance of the nuclear fuel cycle, and the efforts of nuclear operators in pursuit of safety.” He then said that JAIF would publicize the value of nuclear energy and work to promote understanding through dialogues with people in siting areas.

In support of Fukushima restoration, JAIF will work to disseminate information related to the proper understanding of the progress of decommissioning and of the offshore release of water treated by ALPS (the Advanced Liquid Processing System) by scheduling onsite visits and introducing and rendering sales support for products produced in Fukushima.

Meanwhile, in the area of securing and educating human resources, JAIF will work to make the younger generation aware of the important, attractive, and rewarding careers and opportunities offered by the industry via briefings to students about nuclear companies. JAIF will also support the nuclear industry directly in securing and fostering nuclear human resources. Activities for the latter will be conducted efficiently, effectively, and strategically through the Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network [1]Platform for development of nuclear human resources in and outside the country, comprising industry, academia, local municipalities, and administrative agencies.(JN-HRD Net).

As for international cooperation, President Arai said, “Japan will be able to contribute to maintaining and reinforcing technological capabilities and enhancing safety at power plants worldwide through participation in projects overseas by the Japanese nuclear industry, recognized for its excellent technology and quality.” He then said that JAIF would disseminate information and promote business exchanges helpful to that industry.


1 Platform for development of nuclear human resources in and outside the country, comprising industry, academia, local municipalities, and administrative agencies.