At the start, Hitachi President KOJIMA Keiji referred to three trends in technology that he said that are driving market growth: green, digital, and connective. He then described the synergistic effects of “One Hitachi,” whereby multiple business units work together to establish predominance, differentiating the company from others.

Hitachi also believes that one way to increase corporate value is to create environmental value. It says that its “green” businesses will reduce CO2 emissions by 100 million tons per year.

Next, Executive Vice President Alistair DORMER gave a presentation on green businesses. Global issues of climate crisis, he said, could not be resolved without innovative technology. To secure future business opportunities, he added, Hitachi would invest in superior human resources and include JPY800 billion for green R&D in its midterm business plan. He spoke enthusiastically of moves by industry to decarbonize, using the phrase “carbon neutral as a service.”

Turning to nuclear energy, Dormer said that the potential market for SMRs was great. Toward SMR standardization, he cited technological cooperation between GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Ltd. (GEH)―Hitachi’s joint venture with GE—and a Canadian company and a Polish company. He emphasized Hitachi’s commitment to delivering highly reliable SMRs able to provide clean, cost-efficient energy in a range of circumstances and regions.