The power company plans to restart power generation at the unit at the end of this month. Four uranium-plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies were included in the 157 assemblies loaded into Takahama-4, so it will soon be generating electricity with MOX fuel for the first time.

Historically, the reactor will be the fourth NPP in Japan to generate power with MOX fuel, following the Genkai-3 (PWR, 1180MWe), owned and operated by the Kyushu Electric Power Co., the Ikata-3 (PWR, 890MWe), owned and operated by the Shikoku Electric Power Co., and Kansai EP’s Takahama-3 (PWR, 870MWe).

Meanwhile, the Takahama-3, which was started up on January 29, resumed power generation on February 1. Since then, it has gradually increased output during an integrated performance test. On February 4, it achieved 100% output, after which it began operating at rated thermal output.