Since the summer of 2024, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has been leading the development of the new plan, for which the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) compiled a draft on December 26 of last year. The draft was made available for public comment for one month, until January 26.

JAIF strongly urges the government to address the following six issues, providing a clear direction to support decision-making in the nuclear industry:

  • Explicitly state the value and necessity of nuclear energy and ensure the complete removal of references to reducing dependency on nuclear power from the language of the plan.
  • Maximize the use of existing reactors by supporting the early restart of nuclear power plants, long-cycle operations, the expansion of online maintenance (OLM), and output enhancements.
  • On the premise of new NPP construction, specify the required capacity and timeline for new and replacement reactors, and remove restrictions limiting new construction to existing sites.
  • Promptly establish a business environment that restores predictability for nuclear operators regarding additional safety measures and investment returns for new NPP construction, thereby enabling investors to invest and operators to secure funding.
  • Accelerate the development of regulatory frameworks for advanced light water reactors (LWRs) by setting a clear schedule for regulatory improvement.
  • Indicate a clear direction for reviewing the nuclear damage compensation system, which currently imposes strict liability and unlimited financial responsibility on nuclear operators.

At the press conference, President Masui further emphasized key developments in the nuclear sector, particularly the restart of two boiling water reactors (BWRs): Onagawa-2, owned and operated by Tohoku Electric Power Co., and Shimane-2, owned and operated by Chugoku Electric Power Co.

Meanwhile, in response to press inquiries, he stressed the importance of minimizing unplanned outages to improve NPP capacity factors and highlighted the critical need to maintain and strengthen supply chains.

The Japanese government’s new Strategic Energy Plan draft has already removed all references to reducing dependency on nuclear power as much as possible. Also, regarding new and replacement reactor construction, the draft states that specific measures will be sought to build NPPs with next-generation advanced reactors at sites of nuclear operators where decommissioning has been decided.

Regarding the draft plan, which looks ahead to 2040, President Masui also stated that he would closely monitor developments, without preconceptions.

Additionally, he introduced details about the 58th JAIF Annual Conference, to be held on April 8 and 9, 2025, at the Tokyo International Forum in Chiyoda City, Tokyo. The conference will be held under the theme “Accelerating Nuclear Power Utilization Towards Realizing New Builds.”