Beginning fabrication of the CVs at the company’s Yokohama Works in 2009, IHI made the first shipment in August 2010 and the final one in February 2015. Each CV is 40m in diameter, 66m tall, and weighs about 3,800t. They will each house the primary system, including the reactor vessel and steam generators, and carry out protective functions in emergencies.

The four containment vessels will be installed at the Alvin W. Vogle-3 and -4 Nuclear Power Plants (1,100 MWe each), owned by Georgia Power, OPC, MEAG and the city of Dalton, to be operated and maintained by Southern Nuclear; and the Virgil C. Summer-2 and 3 NPPs (1,100 MWe each), owned by South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) and the South Carolina Public Service Authority, to be operated by SCE&G.

All four units are currently under construction.