JAIF Gets New Chairman, MIMURA Akio
Mitsubishi Electric, MHI to Combine Their Power Generator Businesses
Japan’s Electricity Supply-and-Demand Balance to See Reserve Margin of Three Percent or Better This Summer
JAIF President Eager for “Maximum Use” of Nuclear Power in Wake of G7
Safety Examination of Joyo Completed, with Eye on Domestic Production of Radioisotopes
G7 Hiroshima Summit Ends
Fusion Venture Kyoto Fusioneering Raises JPY10 Billion
Kansai EP Files Applications for Approval to Operate Takahama-3 and -4 Beyond 40 Years
【The 56th JAIF Annual Conference】 Session 4: Nuclear Technology with an Eye on the Future
【The 56th JAIF Annual Conference】Session 2: Securing Human Resources Is Key to Revitalizing the Nuclear Industry
【The 56th JAIF Annual Conference】 Session 1: “Unsettled Global Situation and States of Energy in Other Countries”
【The 56th JAIF Annual Conference】Chairman Imai Told “Nuclear Policy Has Taken Great Steps Forward”
“G5” Strengthens Nuclear Ties at Event Hosted by JAIF
JAIF and nucleareurope Strengthen Ties
JAEA is Working Toward Early Commercialization in Development of ATF
MEXT’s Working Group on Advanced Reactors Proposes New Fast Reactor Development