Sendai-2 Starts Periodic Inspection, with Due Date Imminent to Install Specific Safety Facilities
TEPCO Presents Ten-Year Decommissioning Midterm Action Plan for Fukushima Daiichi NPS
NRA Approves Changes to Reactor Installation for Onagawa-2 under New Regulatory Standards
NRA Exchanges Views with Tohoku Electric President, Who Says Major Turning Point Is Approaching Toward Restart
Nuclear Reform Monitoring Committee Cites Major Progress at TEPCO, Giving High Marks to Its State of Improvement on Priority Issues
Japan’s Nuclear Power Plant Capacity Factor Stood at Just 21.4 Percent Last Year
ANRE Committee Clarifies Options for Treated Contaminated Water at Fukushima Daiichi NPPs, Viewing Both Offshore and Vapor Release Favorably
NRA Approves Decommissioning Plans for Kansai EP’s Ohi-1 and-2
NRA Issues Draft Review Report: Onagawa-2 Meets New Regulatory Standards
Kyushu Electric Power Files Decommissioning Plan for Genkai-2 and Seeks Change to Genkai-1 Plan, with Work on Both to Proceed Simultaneously
White Paper on Nuclear Energy Features Decommissioning, Accumulation of Technology as “Great Assets” for the Future
TEPCO to Decide Fate of Kashiwazaki Kariwa Units 1 to 5 Five Years after Restarting Units 6 and 7
TEPCO, Chubu Electric Power, Hitachi, Toshiba Considering Joint Business for BWRs
NRA Exchanges Views with President Sakamoto of RFS, Which Pledges to Make Its Utmost Efforts
TEPCO Decides to Decommission All Four Fukushima Daini Units
Tohoku Electric Power Applies for Approval of Onagawa-1 Decommissioning Plan