NRA to Streamline Compatibility Examinations
IAEA Director General Amano Visits Japan
IEEJ Releases 2015 Economic and Energy Outlook
Kansai Electric Power to Raise Power Rates Again — Restarts Are Key
Five-Party Conference on ASTRID
Takahama-3 and -4 NPPs Clear Safety Examinations
National Nuclear Union Asks Japanese Government to Restart NPPs Early
Thin Reasoning in NRA’s Argument for Active Fault under Tsuruga-2
Diet Approves Joining CSC
NRA Exchange Views with Kyushu Electric Power
Restarts of Sendai-1 and -2 Receive Local Approval
Local Assembly Votes for Restart of Sendai-1 & -2
National Government Agrees on Bills for Joining CSC
WG Starts Discussing Geological Disposal