Home > NPPs in Japan > Sendai-1

NPPs in Japan

in Operation


Restart: 2015-08-11
Age: 40
Reactor Type: PWR
Gross Output: 890MWe
Net Output: 846MWe
Owner: Kyushu EPCO
Operator: Kyushu EPCO
Applications for Restart: 2013-07-08
NRA's Approval for basic design: 2014-09-10
NRA's Approval for detailed design: 2015-03-18
NRA's Approval of operational safety: 2015-05-27
Date of order: 1978
Construction Start: 1979-01
Concrete placing: 1979-12
Initial Criticality: 1983-08-25
Grid connection: 1983-09-16
Commercial Operation: 1984-07-04
Main contractor: MHI
Architect Engineer: MAPI
Reactor System supplier: MHI
Reactor Vessel supplier: MHI
Incore Structure supplier: MHI
Fuel supplier: MNF/NFI
Steam raising supplier: MHI
Turbine generator supplier: MHI
Civil works: various