【The 55th JAIF Annual Conference】 Session 5: “The Future of Nuclear Power in the Eyes of the Young Generation”
【The 55th JAIF Annual Conference】 Session 4: “Significance of and Expectations for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle”
【The 55th JAIF Annual Conference】 Session 3: “Progress and Challenges in Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning”
【The 55th JAIF Annual Conference】 Session 2: “Business Environment Required to Maximize Nuclear Power Utilization”
【The 55th JAIF Annual Conference】 Session 1: “Country Strategies for Nuclear Development and Utilization“
55th JAIF Annual Conference Opens under Keynote Theme “Global Sustainable Development and Expectations for Nuclear Energy”
IAEA Holds 65th General Conference in Vienna, with Japanese Minister of State for Science and Technology Delivering Statement in the General Debate
JAEC Releases 2020 White Paper on Nuclear Energy
METI’s Committee Shows Rough Draft of Next Strategic Energy Plan
METI Issues New Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality
ANRE Sticks to “S+3E”
Japanese Cabinet Approves Environmental White Paper 2021
LDP Parliamentary Association to Reconfirm Position on Utilization of Nuclear Power
Fukui Governor Concerned about Deletion of Reference to “Maximum Utilization” of Nuclear Power
Japanese Cabinet Approves Energy White Paper 2021
Government Omits Description of “Maximum Utilization” of Nuclear Power