[51st JAIF Annual Conference] Session 1: Energy Policy
Seventh NPP Restarted: Genkai-3
Ohi-3 Becomes Japan’s First 1000MW-Class NPP to Be Restarted
Genkai Town Assembly Approves Proposal Seeking New NPP Construction
FEPC Adheres to Policy of MOX Fuel Use at 16 to 18 NPPs
Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy’s Strategic Policy Committee Hears from Keidanren and Others
Japan’s NRA Exchanges Views with JAPC President Muramatsu, a Firm Believer in Thorough Safety
JAEC Special Committee Addresses Draft Revisions to Nuclear Damage Compensation System
ANRE Head Meets Niigata Governor on Kashiwazaki Kariwa, Delivers Document from METI Minister
JAEA Officially Classifies Monju Fast Reactor as “Closed Down”
Seven-point Contraction in Nuclear Share of Energy Mix Would Push Real GDP Down by 2.5 to 2.7 Trillion Yen
Fukui Governor Agrees to Restart Ohi-3 and Ohi-4 NPPs, with Local Procedures Complete
JAEC Explains Japan’s Utilization of Plutonium to the Country and the World
METI Minister Explains Fuel Cycle Promotion Policy to Aomori Governor
Round Table Studying the Energy Situation toward 2050 Begins Deliberations
Power Companies Request Pre-service Inspections Toward Restarting Reactors at Genkai and Ohi